UWB Crest


Weight Loss Challenge


In 2008, Health and Safety Services asked for volunteers to participate in the 2008 Weight Loss Challenge to lose 1 stone in 10 weeks. The challenge not only decreased the size of the volunteers waistlines by up to 200lb, but also decreased the size of the bank balances of those who agreed to sponsor them in their quest. Last year the Challenge raised £1002.80 for the Hope House Children's Hospices, who provide respite care and emotional and practical support for parents who have sadly been told their children are terminally ill.

It is a fantastic cause. Not only raising money for a very worthy charity but also helping to improve your health in the process. So please help us raise money again this year and to hopefully beat the 2008 total by joining in with the 2009 Weight Loss Challenge. You don't have to have lots to lose, even a few pounds, but if you get enough sponsors those few pounds can translate to lots of pounds for the Hospice.

The 2009 weight loss challenge will be launched at the Maes Glas Sports Centre at 1:15 by Ricardo Costa on Wednesday January 14th. Those who have signed up to the challenge and those that are just interested to know what is happening will be welcome to attend.

Ricardo is a clinical dietician who works with the Wirral NHS PCT lifestyle & weight management services. He is currently a PhD student at Bangor University in the School of Sports, Health & Exercise. Ricardo will explain what is meant by the ‘Daily Guideline Limits’ that are frequently seen on food manufacturers’ labels. His talk will explain how we can combine food and fluid intake with exercise to achieve a healthy weight loss.

For more information contact Joe Patton on 3847.

The two star Weight Loss Challengers handing over the 'pounds' to the Hospice