UWB Crest


Well-being Week 2009

During the week of 12th - 16th January 2009 the University is hosting an array of events and initiatives to promote staff health and well-being. The week starts off with a fascinating event at the Maes Glas sports centre where there's an opportunity to learn about the many aspects of health and well-being; from nutrition to relaxation, sporting activities to the environment, personal development to having a look at those bugs that thrive in your food.

Come along to the Well-being Day, everyone is invited and it’s sure to be an interesting event for all of us.

For the rest of the week there are numerous free events and 'have-a-go' sessions for staff to help us get to know the subject a little better and find out whether we actually like climbing, spinning, tai chi or boxercise. You can also learn about mindfulness, yoga and opportunities open to all staff for self-development; you can even join in the 2009 weight-loss challenge.

Poster - download PDF version (7.0mb)